Python level - Training in Python programming language
The student will receive certificate for each completed level.
500 points
Each completed module is bringing you 100 points and the full level 500 points.
Some of the instruments and programming environments used by the students in this level.
In this module, the programming language Python will be introduced to Senior children for the first time. Its topics target the introduction to programming using a programming language, introduction to Python, comparison to block programming, installation of IDLE (an integrated development environment), and development of the first program in Python.
This module aims at introducing children to additional lists operations. They will work on various practical problems in order to achieve these goals.
In this module the child will learn about what is the function, how to define a function and how to call a function. With different kind of projects and games the child will have deep knolwage about the functions.
In this module the child will learn about what is the sets, how to define a set. With different kind of projects and games the child will have deep knolwage about the sets.