This level is the first meeting of our Middle Level little programmers with block programming and programming fundamentals. During Level 1, children learn basic computer system features, get acquainted with concepts such as software and hardware and the difference between them, and which of these parts they will study in the course. Kids are also introduced to the concepts of program, instructions, priority, programming environment as well as algorithm. They learn all of the above as they program the behaviour of robots and create interesting animations. At this level, children aged 8 and 9 years are introduced to recurring actions and program branching as well as events while creating interesting games in various programming environments. The purpose of this level is to familiarise children with basic concepts of the programming world as well as to lay the foundations for children to start building up additional knowledge in the next levels. To achieve better results in the level, we use various tools such as programming robots, special software and hardware tools, various programming environments in order to keep children’s attention and to enable them to understand their concepts while working with various tools and programming enironments.
The student will receive certificate for each completed level.
500 points
Each completed module is bringing you 100 points and the full level 500 points.
Some of the instruments and programming environments used by the students in this level.
In this module students learn that computers can only execute precise and clear instructions that have been ordered in the correct way and lead to an expected result.
In this module students learn about cycles – program constructs used for the repetitive execution of a certain piece of code. We can loop any instruction or sequence of instructions a defined number of times or until a condition is met.
In this lesson students meet conditional constructs for the first time. By including a conditional operator in their program, they will learn how to activate a certain part of the code depending on the condition that has been set beforehand.
In this module students are introduced to the concept of events in programming. Having an event in the algorithm allows us to carry out various actions such as controlling sprites in games or robots. Students learn how robots can communicate with each other or with software sprites.