Explore the world of programming

This level helps our young programmers take their first steps into the world of programming. Using different tools and through a variety of projects, children are introduced to key features in the computer system. They learn what are algorithms, events, conditions, variables, loops and many other basic concepts in programming. They apply these concepts by programming computer boards, creating games and animations presented in an interesting and entertaining way. During the last module, our young programmers will also be introduced to the field of mobile applications, as well as web programming, after which, together with our specialists, they will choose one from our additional courses to specialize in.


Certificates Mindhub

The student will receive certificate for each completed level.

Bonus points

500 points

Each completed module is bringing you 100 points and the full level 500 points.


css-html scratch-logo mit-app-inventor microbit

Some of the instruments and programming environments used by the students in this level.


One level = 4 Modules


One module = 4 class


One class = 120 minutes



Module 1 - Programming with blocks of code

In the introduction of this module, we present visual (block) programming to the children. They develop an understanding of what is a "programming environment", and learn how to use it while creating their first computer program. Each topic in the module build-up the knowledge and skills of young programmers, so they know how to use "event", "condition", and "variable" and can start to write code for programming hardware components.


  1. What is a program? Essence of block programming. Priority of instructions in the program
  2. What is an event? "Throwing" and "catching" events
  3. What is a condition? True or False
  4. What is a variable? Definition and Application


Module 2 - Computer boards

The first two topics of the second module provoke children to apply their knowledge, developing a project in two different programming environments. In addition, the young programmers face new concepts - "cycles" and "operators".  In this module children write their first complicated programs and further develop their programming skills using hardware components.


  1. What is a loop? What is an iteration?
  2. Conditional constructs, variables and loops
  3. Nature of operators. What are operands? Types of operators
  4. Debugging Complex Algorithm Construction


Module 3 - Project module. Mobile apps

In module 3, the young programmers focus on building complex projects - computer animations and games, where they apply everything they have learned so far into their practice. In the last topics of the module, children are introduced to App Inventor, a mobile application programming environment, thanks to which they will understand how the applications on our phones work.


  1. Preparation of projects
  2. Working on a complex project
  3. Introducing App Inventor. My first mobile apps
  4. Play against the computer using lists


Module 4 - What do web developers do?

During module 4 our young programmers will be introduced to web programming, learning about visual studio code and HTML and CSS. They will understand the difference between HTML and CSS and why we need to use them together to build our web page successfully. We will also develop short interesting projects with which children can consolidate their knowledge in the field.


  1. I can start creating web pages myself
  2. I now know how to add text and images
  3. What is a web page without a design?
  4. I can add my own style using fonts and colors